Nothing else can compare.
At Maui Flight Academy we take safety extremely seriously. Not only does our aircraft have a parachute system, but we carry a fully covered 4 person life raft system.
The aircraft you will be flying is a 2008 Cirrus SR22 G3 GTS-x with air conditioning. It is equipped with TCAS air traffic alert system designed to alert the pilot of nearby aircraft.
Each occupant also wears a lap vest, and inside that lap vest is also a night glow stick recommended by the US Coast Guard.
There is also a 5 minute spare air scuba bottle on board.
Your instructor also wears a military grade life vest which contains, a waterproof cell phone, emergency locator beacon (EPRP), 100 yard fluorescent tape, whistle and a fanny pack that contains first aid, water bottle and rations.
We also carry the Stratus ADS-B synthetic vision as a backup.
No other flight school in Hawaii has invested in the safety equipment and training that we do.
The aircraft you will be flying is a 2008 Cirrus SR22 G3 GTS-x with air conditioning. It is equipped with TCAS air traffic alert system designed to alert the pilot of nearby aircraft.
Each occupant also wears a lap vest, and inside that lap vest is also a night glow stick recommended by the US Coast Guard.
There is also a 5 minute spare air scuba bottle on board.
Your instructor also wears a military grade life vest which contains, a waterproof cell phone, emergency locator beacon (EPRP), 100 yard fluorescent tape, whistle and a fanny pack that contains first aid, water bottle and rations.
We also carry the Stratus ADS-B synthetic vision as a backup.
No other flight school in Hawaii has invested in the safety equipment and training that we do.