Cirrus Perspective Transition Training
Training Concept
The goal of the Perspective Avionics Differences Course is to transition into a Cirrus Perspective+ aircraft. Each sortie is designed to introduce you to a new learning module, understanding that each sortie builds on the previous one. The Transition Course is intended for pilots and owners that hold at the IFR rating. Get your training in before you take delivery of your new aircraft!
All training courses are instructed by Laurence Balter, a Gold Seal CFII, ATP and CSIP with over 8,500 hours in Cirrus aircraft and over 11,000 landings instructed. Widely considered an expert in Cirrus flight training and operations. Personally trained and evaluated by Cirrus Headquarters’ own training department, since 2004.
Interactive Flight Operations Manual (iFOM)
The iFOM is an iBook designed for use on the iPhone, iPad and Apple computer platforms. It provides Cirrus specific information on flight operating procedures and maneuvers. Use this iBook to prepare for each lesson with your instructor. Get your iFOM at Apple's iBooktstore here.
Training Concept
The goal of the Perspective Avionics Differences Course is to transition into a Cirrus Perspective+ aircraft. Each sortie is designed to introduce you to a new learning module, understanding that each sortie builds on the previous one. The Transition Course is intended for pilots and owners that hold at the IFR rating. Get your training in before you take delivery of your new aircraft!
All training courses are instructed by Laurence Balter, a Gold Seal CFII, ATP and CSIP with over 8,500 hours in Cirrus aircraft and over 11,000 landings instructed. Widely considered an expert in Cirrus flight training and operations. Personally trained and evaluated by Cirrus Headquarters’ own training department, since 2004.
Interactive Flight Operations Manual (iFOM)
The iFOM is an iBook designed for use on the iPhone, iPad and Apple computer platforms. It provides Cirrus specific information on flight operating procedures and maneuvers. Use this iBook to prepare for each lesson with your instructor. Get your iFOM at Apple's iBooktstore here.
Course details
Plan on a minimum of 3 full days, or up to 5 days of intensive training, depending upon experience and absorption of the material and your flying skills. Students should allow the extra time to become acclimated to the time zone change.
Day 1
Avionics Familiarization
The avionics system provides an interface for you to interact with your Cirrus, while at the same time providing a way for your Cirrus to communicate back to you. The fundamental goal of this lesson is to provide you with procedures, knowledge, and confidence you need to effectively and efficiently use the Perspective or Perspective+ avionics installed in your Cirrus.
Electrical System Familiarization
Flight Deck Orientation
Introduction to Angle of Attack
Ground Tasks
Lesson Overview
Your first sortie is all about getting familiar with the normal operating procedures and building avionics familiarity. You’ll practice autopilot-coupled precision approaches, missed approaches, and holding procedures.
1st Sortie
Day 2
Lesson Overview
In this lesson, you’ll practice autopilot-coupled non-precision approaches and circling approaches while continuing to develop proficiency with previously learned normal operating procedures.
Tasks being introduced for the first time are indicated in BOLD. Tasks that must be performed without assistance from your instructor, as pilot-in-command, are indicated with (P).
1st Sortie
Day 3
Ground Tasks
Lesson Overview
This lesson introduces you to electrical malfunctions in your Cirrus. During the preflight ground briefing, you’ll have a chance to review the electrical system, its associated checklist procedures, and the systems impacted by its malfunction.
1st Sortie
2nd Sortie
Day 4*
Lesson Overview
This lesson introduces PFD malfunctions and partial panel approach procedures. With your instructor, review the associated abnormal checklist procedures and the affected aircraft systems. Depending on the student, this can be incorporated in Day 3 depending upon skill set.
1st Sortie
Completion Check Ride
Lesson Overview
This lesson is designed to test your competency flying as pilot-in-command under IFR from Maui to Honolulu International Airport and to challenge you with the intent of improving your skills as they relate to your day-to-day flights outside of this course. Your instructor will take a passenger-like role, such that you should only expect mistakes that jeopardize the flight's safety to be corrected. Factors like managing distractions, maintaining situational awareness, and avoiding task saturation play important roles in the overall outcome of this lesson.
Ground Tasks
1st Sortie
2nd Sortie
Completion Standards
Act as pilot-in-command safely and without assistance from your instructor. Tasks are considered complete when you’re able to execute them within the Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards without the assistance of your instructor. This flight will need to be repeated if you do not meet the standards for any task.
Plan on a minimum of 3 full days, or up to 5 days of intensive training, depending upon experience and absorption of the material and your flying skills. Students should allow the extra time to become acclimated to the time zone change.
Day 1
Avionics Familiarization
The avionics system provides an interface for you to interact with your Cirrus, while at the same time providing a way for your Cirrus to communicate back to you. The fundamental goal of this lesson is to provide you with procedures, knowledge, and confidence you need to effectively and efficiently use the Perspective or Perspective+ avionics installed in your Cirrus.
Electrical System Familiarization
Flight Deck Orientation
Introduction to Angle of Attack
Ground Tasks
- Departure, En Route, and Arrival Operations (Maui, Lanai)
Lesson Overview
Your first sortie is all about getting familiar with the normal operating procedures and building avionics familiarity. You’ll practice autopilot-coupled precision approaches, missed approaches, and holding procedures.
1st Sortie
- Aircraft Weight and Balance
- Aircraft Performance
- Instrument Flight Deck Check
- Engine Start
- Taxiing
- Before Takeoff Check
- Normal Takeoff
- Climb
- Cruise
- Unusual Attitudes
- Slow Flight
- Angle of Attack
- Stalls
- Descent Planning
- Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and Arcs
- Precision Approach (Coupled)
- Missed Approach
- Holding
- Crosswind Landings
- Climb
- Cruise
- Descent
- Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and Arcs (P)
- Precision Approach (Coupled) (P)
- Missed Approach (P)
- Holding (P)
- Landing from an Instrument Approach
- Checking Instruments and Equipment
Day 2
Lesson Overview
In this lesson, you’ll practice autopilot-coupled non-precision approaches and circling approaches while continuing to develop proficiency with previously learned normal operating procedures.
Tasks being introduced for the first time are indicated in BOLD. Tasks that must be performed without assistance from your instructor, as pilot-in-command, are indicated with (P).
1st Sortie
- Aircraft Weight and Balance
- Aircraft Performance
- Instrument Flight Deck Check
- Engine Start
- Taxiing
- Before Takeoff Check
- Normal Takeoff
- Climb
- Cruise
- Unusual Attitudes (P)
- Descent
- Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and Arcs
- Non-Precision Approach (Coupled)
- Circling Approach
- Landing from an Instrument Approach
- Normal Takeoff
- Climb
- Cruise
- Descent
- Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and Arcs (P)
- Non-Precision Approach (Coupled) (P)
- Circling Approach (P)
- Landing from an Instrument Approach (P)
- Checking Instruments and Equipment
Day 3
Ground Tasks
- Electrical System (P)
Lesson Overview
This lesson introduces you to electrical malfunctions in your Cirrus. During the preflight ground briefing, you’ll have a chance to review the electrical system, its associated checklist procedures, and the systems impacted by its malfunction.
1st Sortie
- Aircraft Weight and Balance
- Aircraft Performance
- Instrument Flight Deck Check
- Engine Start
- Taxiing
- Before Takeoff Check
- Normal Takeoff
- Climb
- Cruise
- Electrical Malfunction
- Descent
- Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and Arcs (P)
- Precision Approach (Hand-Flown) (P)
- Missed Approach (P)
- Holding (P)
2nd Sortie
- Normal Takeoff
- Climb
- Cruise
- Electrical Malfunction (P)
- Descent
- Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and Arcs (P)
- Non-Precision Approach (Hand-Flown) (P)
- Circling Approach (P)
- Landing from an Instrument Approach (P)
- Checking Instruments and Equipment
- Angle of Attack
Day 4*
Lesson Overview
This lesson introduces PFD malfunctions and partial panel approach procedures. With your instructor, review the associated abnormal checklist procedures and the affected aircraft systems. Depending on the student, this can be incorporated in Day 3 depending upon skill set.
1st Sortie
- Aircraft Weight and Balance
- Aircraft Performance
- Instrument Flight Deck Check
- Engine Start
- Taxiing
- Before Takeoff Check
- Normal Takeoff
- Climb
- Cruise
- PFD Malfunction (Display, ADC, or AHRS failure)
- Descent
- Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and Arcs
- Partial Panel Approach
- Landing from an Instrument Approach
- Angle of Attack
- Climb
- Cruise
- PFD Malfunction (Display, ADC, or AHRS failure) (P)
- Descent
- Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and Arcs (P)
- Partial Panel Approach (P)
- Landing from an Instrument Approach (P)
- Checking Instruments and Equipment
Completion Check Ride
Lesson Overview
This lesson is designed to test your competency flying as pilot-in-command under IFR from Maui to Honolulu International Airport and to challenge you with the intent of improving your skills as they relate to your day-to-day flights outside of this course. Your instructor will take a passenger-like role, such that you should only expect mistakes that jeopardize the flight's safety to be corrected. Factors like managing distractions, maintaining situational awareness, and avoiding task saturation play important roles in the overall outcome of this lesson.
Ground Tasks
- Weather Information (P)
- Alternates (P)
- Required Equipment (P)
- Risk Management and Personal Minimums (P)
- Cross-Country Flight Planning (P)
- Instrument Departures (P)
- Airways and Route Systems (P)
- Standard Terminal Arrival Procedures (P)
- Instrument Approach Procedures (P)
1st Sortie
- Aircraft Weight and Balance (P)
- Aircraft Performance (P)
- Instrument Flight Deck Check (P)
- Engine Start (P)
- Taxiing (P)
- Before Takeoff Check (P)
- Normal Takeoff (P)
- Climb (P)
- Cruise (P)
- Unusual Attitudes (P)
- Descent (P)
- Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and Arcs (P)
- Non-Precision Approach (Hand-Flown) (P)
- Circling Approach (P)
- Landing from an Instrument Approach (P)
2nd Sortie
- Normal Takeoff (P)
- Climb (P)
- Cruise (P)
- Descent (P)
- Precision Approach (Coupled) (P)
- Missed Approach (P)
- Holding (P)
- Partial Panel Approach (P)
- Landing from an Instrument Approach (P)
- Checking Instruments and Equipment (P)
Completion Standards
Act as pilot-in-command safely and without assistance from your instructor. Tasks are considered complete when you’re able to execute them within the Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards without the assistance of your instructor. This flight will need to be repeated if you do not meet the standards for any task.